
Missionary Companion Ministries uses PayPal as a third-party credit card processor for all online donations. After clicking on the donate button you will be taken to the PayPal portal to complete your donation. You do not need to signup for a PayPal account to make a donation, though if you already have a PayPal account you will be given the option of using it.


Account Number



We took a step of faith and started this ministry, and then we started looking for an organization that this ministry might fit under. We could find no one organization that this new start up ministry would fit under. We quickly realized we needed to start our own 501c3, but in the meantime, we needed to start doing fund-raising and wanted a way for supporters to get tax deductible credit for their support. MCM filled that void for us. Without MCM and their support this first year and half, we would have been struggling to find ways to be supported. Thank you Don and Cheryl for your help and support!

Drew and Tracie Wells
The Doorstep Project, Northern Illinois University

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